### AI
AI is a very broad category. It describes everything from tree search to deep learning.
Good old fashioned AI (**GOFAI**) describes anything which does not use neuron-based models to learn: that is, statistical machine learning models, constraint satisfaction, etc.
Neural computing then further encompasses deep learning.
### Learning paradigms
There are three learning paradigms:
* Supervised learning, where you have labelled data and model tries to find correct labels
* Unsupervised learning, where there are no labels
* Reinforcement learning, where model has states and actions, and feedback given based on that
Supervised learning tries to approximate a function $f:X \lra Y$. Example is classification.
Unsupervised learning tries to *find* a function given an $X$. Example is clustering.
Reinforcement learning is like [Little Albert and the Rat](https://www.simplypsychology.org/little-albert.html)
This is a form of **pavlovian conditioning** (associative learning) e.g. Albert being conditioned to fear the rat.
### Transfer Learning
Transfer learning is taking a pre-trained model, and retraining it to perform a similar task. I.e. taking an ImageNet classifier (knows 1000 types of objects) and training it further to recognise new categories of your own choosing.
This concept of "incremental learning" builds on previous work done, and is faster and less effort than going from zero.
* Allows training with less data since you reuse models
* Takes less time
* Takes advantage of existing good architecture (not reinvent the wheel)
The idea is to modify and retrain only the later stages/later layers. Naturally you have to set your own learning parameters still.
Biology Class
### Neurons
Your central nervous system (Brain, spine) has neurons. Neurons make think. Yes, this is relevant and examined.
Neurons generate signals (**action potentials**), which pass to other neurons.
**Dendrites** are tree-like structures with small spines which the synapses (ends) of other neurons connect to. They receive information.
The **Soma** is the cell body, and is where all the signals (charges) received go. They are put in the **axon hillock**, and if the signal exceeds a threshold, the neuron passes on the signal.
The **axon** is the long thing which connects the axon terminals (synapses) to the rest of the cell. The larger the diameter the axon has, the fast it transmits data. Axons have a fatty myalin sheath insulating it, and if this is degraded axon transmission effectiveness worsens.
Altogether, a neuron takes in input, has an **activation function** which transforms the signal, and then makes output.
There are three classes of neurons: **sensory, motor, relay/inter**.
Sensory neurons take input, motor neurons make output, and relay neurons relay data between them.
### Signal propagation
Signals are propagated electrically, called "membrane potential".
It comes from the voltage potential across the nerve fibre -- the cell membrane.
Inside the cell are lots of $K^+$ ions. Outside are a lot of $Na^+$ ions. Their inequality forms the voltage potential, which is at rest around -70 mV. This is the **resting potential**.
Across the cell membrane there are **channels** and **pumps**:
* The **leaky channels**, which allows the free travel of $Na^+$ and $K^+$ through (is not gated)
* The **volt-gated channels**, which only opens at certain voltages, and are generally closed at resting potential.
* The **Sodium-Potassium Pump**, which removes 3$Na^+$ and takes in 2$K^+$.
Neurons obey the "all or nothing" principle of firing; any stimulus under the threshold, no matter how big, does not fire, but anything that reaches it produces a full response.
See the graph for the phases.
A neuron is **polarised** if it is more negative on the inside. **hyperpolarisation** is when the membrane potential is below resting potential, whilst **depolarisation** is when it's above.
The threshold is around -55 mV.
A stimulus causes some Na+ volt-gated gates to open, but if it's not enough it'll go back again.
When the threshold is reached it causes a rush of volt-gated gates to open, giving a spike of voltage up to 30 +mV.
When it closes it hyperpolarises, and corrects itself.
### Synaptic transmission
Synapses transfer chemically, via **neurotransmitters**, which are released from vesicles, and travel to receptors on the opposing synapse/dendrite.
They can either be **excitatory** (causing action) or **inhibitory** (preventing action)
Note that axon terminals don't have to connect to dendrites. They can connect to dendrites, somas, and other axons. Dendrites can also connect to dendrites.
Artificial Neural Networks
### Introduction
Artificial Neural Networks are computer algorithms which are modelled off biological neuron learning.
Beginning in 1943 with the MP neuron, ANN technology has developed quickly, with Perceptron being invented in 1958, and backpropagation in 1986.
Naturally, theoretical developments came quicker than computing power at the time.
The limitations of a single layer Perceptron are apparent (see: the inability of even emulating an XOR gate), and lead to an **AI Winter** in the 1970s, where research in the field declined.
Neurons are arranged in layers, which connect through to one another. (Note the input layer is not counted)
Propagation of data goes in one direction, from input to output. This is called a **feed-forward NN**.
Of course there are many varieties,
like the convolutional neural net CNN, which works off filters (think: a function over an $n\times n$ block of an image);
or a recurrent neural network, with a feedback system that allows it to deal with time-series or sequential data (see image).
The latter is not called feed-forward, rather feed-back.
ANNs use high performance hardware which are very fast and parallel (i.e. graphics cards). Because of the intense computing power needed for large NNs, it is very hard to scale up. They have limited fault tolerance capacity.
### MP-Neuron
An MP neuron is one of the simplest models. It has one neuron, which accepts binary inputs, and gives binary outputs, based on a user-set threshold $\theta$.
We can extend the MP neuron with two types of inputs: excitatory and inhibitory. Excitatory inputs add to the value, and there must be enough excitatory neurons activated to meet the threshold before activation.
Inhibitory neurons however have **absolute veto power**.
We can also draw the MP neuron in **Rojas Diagram** form.
Where the $\theta$ still refers to the threshold, and inhibitory neurons are indicated by a circle after the arrow (see $x_3$). One half of the neuron is black.
We can also write the MP neuron in **vector representation**:
Let $\vec{1} = (1, 1, \dots 1)$. Let inputs $\x = (x_1, x_2, \dots x_n)$.
The sum $z = \vec{1} \cdot \x$.
The **haviside function** $H_\theta(z) = \begin{cases} 1 & z \geq \theta \\ 0 & z < \theta \end{cases}$
Thus $y = H_\theta(\vec{1} \cdot \x)$
### To simulate logic gates
We have basic gates AND, OR, NOT; and derived gates NAND, NOR, XOR, IMPLY.
We can use an MP neuron to represent the basic gates, by writing out the truth table and finding threshold.
***Exercise.*** Consider the function $f: \{0,1\}^3 \lra \{0,1\}$, given as
f(x_1, x_2, x_3) = \begin{cases} 0 & \rm{if } (x_1, x_2, x_3) = (0,0,0) \\
1 & \rm{otherwise.} \end{cases}
Hint: This is a 3-input OR gate. The rest is left to the reader (because I cba rn).
### Introduction
The MP Neuron is limited:
* It only accepts binary ins and outs
* Every input is equally important / no weighting
* $\theta$ must always be set manually / no learning
A advancement of this is the Rosenblatt **perceptron:**
We can move the $\theta$ from being a part of the perceptron node, and into a **bias**, so that we can use a standard Haviside "step" function:
H = \begin{cases} 1 & z \geq 0 \\ 0 & z < 0 \end{cases}
Thus getting
Which is representable as
\[y = H(\w \cdot \x + b)\]
We can even pretend the bias is another weight on a constant 1 input, i.e.
\x &= (x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n, 1) \\
\w &= (w_1, w_2, \dots, w_n, b) \\
y &= H(\vec{w} \cdot \vec{x})
**Exercise.** A perceptron has two inputs, which have weights $[3,1]$, and a bias of $-3$. Draw the diagram of the perceptron, and predict the output on $\x = [0,1]$ and $\x = [1,1]$
### The Perceptron Learning Rule
(This may not be part of the exam)
In general:
LABEL start:
choose random \(\w, b : \w\t\x + b = 0\)
if $\exists$ misclassified node:
update $\w, b$
GOTO start
output $\w, b$
Recall: Given two vectors $\vec{a}, \vec{b}$:
\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b} \begin{cases} = 0 & \rm{Orthogonal } (90^\circ) \\ > 0 & \rm{Acute} \\ < 0 & \rm{Obtuse or reflex} \end{cases}
Given $\w \cdot \x$, and a vector $\vec{v}$, $\w \cdot \vec{v} \geq 0 \iff \rm{Angle}(\w, \vec{v}) \leq 90^\circ$.
We can use this property to detect misclassified nodes, if a $\vec{v}$ has an angle greater than 90.
For any vector $\vec{v}$ that is misclassified, we do $\w \lla \w + \alpha y \vec{v}$, where $\alpha$ is the learning rate, and $y$ is 1 or -1 based on which category they're supposed to be in. i.e. add misclassified + node, minus misclassified - node.
### Non-linear separability
A perceptron can only separate things linearly: it can only draw a straight line in a plane, or a straight plane in a 3D space.
XOR is a logic gate which is not linearly separable in 2D.
We can solve this by:
* Replacing the threshold with a more complex function (defeats the point of simplifying it in the first place)
* Increase the number of layers
Generally we prefer the second option.
Since we know that $x_1 \oplus x_2 = (x_1 \lor x_2) \land \lnot (x_1 \land x_2)$, we can split this into two layers:
Since we have multiple layers, this is a **Multi-layer Perceptron** (MLP).
Since a perceptron draws a straight line in 2D space, any polygon can be decomposed into an MLP.
***Excersise.*** Given the picture on the right;
Represent the shape $R$ as a multi-layer perceptron.
The axes are $x_1$ and $x_2$ respectively.
***Answer.*** This can be decomposed into four lines, going anticlockwise from the top-right:
(1) \; \; 0 &\leq -3x_1 -2x_2 + 6 \\
(2) \; \; 0 &\leq 3x_1 - x_2 + 3 \\
(3) \; \; 0 &\leq x_2 + 2 \\
(4) \; \; 0 &\leq -x_1 + x_2 + 2
They are intersected (ANDed) together.
Draw the MLP as appropriate.
Activations and Backpropagations
### Activation Functions
Fundamentally neural networks are function approximators. Activation functions are there to add non-linearity to our networks, to allow them to approximate non-linear functions.
y = h(z)
Where $y$ is the **activation value** and $z$ is the **pre-activation value**.
We have so far been using the step function for the perceptron. But here are a few more:
(Formulas are provided in the exam paper, but not derivatives, etc.)
**Linear Function.**
$$L(x) = c x \pod{c \in \bb{R}}$$
Literally ruins the point of why we have activations in the first place. It outputs more values than step but the output of any number of linear functions is still a linear function.
**Sigmoid Function.**
\sigma(x) = \fr{1}{1+e^-x}
Which handily satisfies (**remember**)
\sigma'(x) = \sigma(x) (1 - \sigma(x))
And is nonlinear.
Though, the max gradient is at $\sigma'(0) = \fr{1}{4}$, which implies that 75% of error gradient is lost during each backpropagation.
Naturally with enough layers, our gradient can vanish to near zero, and it'd be very hard to learn: **vanishing gradient function**
$$\tanh(x) = \fr{e^x - e^{-x}}{e^x + e^{-x}} = 2\sigma(2x)-1$$
Is a rescaled version of sigmoid (**remember**). And has the derivative (**remember**)
\tanh'(x) = 1 - \tanh^2(x)
And can also be considered a smooth version of step, as it goes from -1 to 1 but smoothly. And it is centred around 0, which is helpful.
tanh also has vanishing gradient problems as a rescaled sigmoid and even more costly to compute.
**ReLU.** Rectified linear unit
\rm{ReLU}(x) = \max(0, x)
i.e. 0 if $x \leq 0$.
It is easy to compute, and has no vanishing gradient ... at least for positive values. For negative values, all gradient dies immediately.
It is not zero centred, and if a neuron goes below zero, it may just die -- **Dying ReLU**
**LeakyReLU.** Solves the dying relu problem by letting a little bit "leak" through the negative side. It is defined
\textrm{LReLU}(x) = \begin{cases} x & x \geq 0 \\ \alpha x & x < 0 \end{cases} \pod{a \in \bb{R}}
$\alpha$ becomes a hyperparameter.
**Parametric ReLU**. Leaky relu except the $\alpha$ is learned rather than preset. Compared to leaky relu, parametric relu can have a higher accuracy at little extra cost.
**SoftMax.** Usually used in output. It takes a vector and normalises it into weighted probability values.
y_i = \fr{e^{z_i}}{\sum_{j=1}^N e^{z_j}}
For a vector of inputs $\vec{z}$ and an output $\y$.
### Forward Propagation
Going from $\x \lra \z \lra y$. i.e. pushing data forward through a network.
This can be done element-wise, but is often better done matrix-wise.
Given the image on the right, given that the first layer uses **ReLU** and second uses **sigmoid** Let:
\x &= \begin{bmatrix}
x_1 \\ x_2
\end{bmatrix} \\
\z &= \begin{bmatrix}
z_1 \\ z_2\\ z_3
\end{bmatrix} \\
\W &= \begin{bmatrix}
w_{11} & w_{21} \\
w_{12} & w_{22} \\
w_{13} & w_{23}
\end{bmatrix} \\
\vec{b}_1 &= \begin{bmatrix}
0 \\ 0 \\ b_1
Thus $\z = \W \x + \vec{b}_1$, and $\vec{a} = \rm{ReLU}(\z)$.
\vec{v} &= \begin{bmatrix}
v_1 \\ v_2 \\ v_3
\end{bmatrix} \\
b_2 &= b_2
Thus $\hat{y} = \sigma(\vec{v}\t \vec{a} + b_2)$.
For multiple layers we may see $\W^{[1]}, \W^{[2]}, \dots $ for the weights of different layers.
Multiple inputs $\x_1, \x_2, \dots$ can be feed-forwarded **together**, by making an $\X = [\x_1, \x_2, \dots, \x_n]$.
#### Loss Functions and Regularisation
The predicted $\hat{y}$ and the ground truth $y$ can be different. We want a metric to measure the badness of this difference -- a **loss function**.
We'd like it to
* Be minimised when $\hat{y} \lra y$
* Increases as $\lla \hat{y} \; \; \; \; \; y$
* Globally continuous and differentiable
* Convex (one global minimum)
... though it is usually very difficult to satisfy all of these, especially the last two and especially especially the last one.
Note: the term **lost function** and **cost function** are often interchangeable. However, loss function is technically per sample, whilst cost function is averaged over dataset, and can include regularisation.
Common losses for regression are $L_1$ (mean absolute error) and $L_2$ (mean squared error) loss, whilst for classification it often is entropy / log loss / hinge loss. (also see cs342)
The norms $L_1$ and $L_2$ satisfy a norm inequality:
$$ L_\infty \leq \cdots \leq L_2 \leq L_1 $$
and a norm equivalence: $L_p \equiv L_2 \iff$
\exists c, C \in \bb{R} : c < C : cL_p \leq L_q \leq CL_p
### Backpropagation
The derivative of a function $f$ is a vector of the partial derivatives of its variables.
**Notation.** For a function $f(x, \dots)$ let $f_x$ denote $\fr{\partial f}{\partial x}$.
The whole derivative of a function can be expressed using the multi-dimensional derivative "nabla" operator: $\nabla f$.
Because $\nabla f$ gives the direction of fastest increase, $-\nabla f$ is the direction of fastest descent.
Gradient Descent is an algorithm that finds the (a) minimum of a function using this method.
Iteratively, until $x_{t+1} \approx x_t$,
x_{t+1} = x_t - \alpha \nabla f(x_t)
Where $\alpha$ is the learning rate.
Backpropagation uses gradient descent to optimise weights and biases.
#### Necessary Calculus.
**This is very necessary.** This is a very easy way to work out the chain rule of partial derivatives, using **dependency graphs**.
A dependency graph is a graph between nodes, where there is an arc $x \lra y$ if $x$ affects $y$ (i.e. $y = f(x)$ where the $f$ may have some other variables.).
On these arcs can be written the partial derivatives $y_x$. Then to get a partial derivative from two ends of the graph, just **multiply every arc back** (and **add** multiple paths).
See these simple examples:
And this more complicated example:
Note that the dependency graphs for backpropagation are usually fairly linear. Though remember your standard loss function derivatives.
#### Backpropagation
In training, we
predict \( \hat{y} \) through forward pass
use loss function to measure error(\( \hat{y}, y \))
backpropagate error to update weights via gradient descent
Given a network with one input, and sigmoid function, with learning rate $\alpha$ (see right), using binary cross-entropy (log loss):
\cal{L} = -\left( y \log \hat{y} + \left(1-y \right) \log\left(1-\hat{y} \right) \right)
Write the learning rules for training. (For $w$ and $b$)
NOTE that \[ \cal{L}_y = \fr{\partial \cal{L}}{\partial \hat{y}} = \fr{\hat{y} - y}{(1-\hat{y})\hat{y}} \]
The proof is left as an exercise to the reader
**Caching.** (read the answer yet?) You may notice that there are many terms which are repeated, e.g. $\cal{L}_\hat{y} \cdot \hat{y}_z = \cal{L}_z$ were used for both $w$ and $b$.
Caching is the process of storing these terms and not computing them over and over.
Caching is essential to not having O(horrible) backpropagation.
***Example.*** Bigger example now, take the network on the right, compute $$\fr{\partial \cal{L}}{\partial w_3}$$ given that the inputs $(x_1, x_2, x_3) = (-1, 0, 1)$, the ground truth $y=1$, and the loss
$$\cal{L} = \fr{1}{2}(y-\hat{y})^2$$.
### Variations of Gradient Descent
**Momentum.** Gradient descent often gets stuck on very small local minima. Rather than it stopping, why not, like a ball rolling down the hill, give it some momentum to get over a small peak and reach a lower minimum?
Add a parameter $\beta$, which exponential-weighted-averages in iterations before the current one, where:
x_{t+1} = x_t - av_t
v_t = \beta v_{t-1} + (1-\beta) \nabla f (x_t)
i.e. every update at time $t$ also takes into account the updates at previous times with exponentially less importance.
This equation unravels into
S(\beta \nabla f(x_t) + \beta^2 \nabla f(x_{t-1}) + \beta^3 \nabla f(x_{t-2}) + \cdots)
S = \fr{1}{\beta + \beta^2 + \beta^3 + \cdots}
**RMSProp.** Root mean square propagation. This method helps prevent vanishing and exploding gradients.
Replace $\alpha$ with $\fr{\alpha}{\sqrt{w_t} + \varepsilon}$, where $w_t = \beta{w_{t-1}} + (1-\beta) (\nabla f(x_t) )^2$ for a (new and different) hyperparameter $\beta$.
This decreases the step for very large gradients and increases the step for small gradients.
**ADAM.** Putting both of these together, we have adaptive movement estimation, or ADAM.
We have momentum parameter $\beta_1$ and RMS parameter $\beta_2$.
**SGD.** Stochastic Gradient Descent. Rather than updating once for every piece of data in the dataset, update for every individual piece of data, or every minibatch of a portion of the dataset.
Hopfield Networks
### Introduction
**Fixed point iteration** is a method of solving an equation of form $x = f(x)$ by using a starting guess $x_0$ and repeatedly iterating until convergence ($x_k = f(x_{k-1})$).
We can think of $x_0$ as a "noisy" incomplete guess, and the process of iteration as refining that guess until we get convergence.
This is what a Hopfield Network does. It is usually used for image reconstruction, starting from a corrupted (partial) pattern $\x_0$, trying to reconstruct an optimal (memorised) pattern $\x^*$, by passing it through the hopfield network $F$ via $\x_{k+1} = F(\x_k)$.
Hopfield networks work off **Associative Learning**.
**Associative learning** encodes relationships between items cf. pavlovian conditioning. Hopfield is an **unsupervised** learning method using **associative memory** to link together partial and full images.
**Associative memory** (**content addressable memory**) is the ability to access an item by knowing only part of its content.
i.e. retrieve the most similar pre-memorised pattern based on similar points of the inputs.
Let an $n \times n$ image pattern be represented as a vector $\x\; n^2$ elements long.
Each element of $\x$ can either be: 1 or -1, in which case we have a *bipolar HN*; or 1 or 0. i.e. our image is binary.
We have one neuron per pixel.
### The Hopfield Network
HNs are a special type of recurrent networks (RNNs).
It is a **feedback** network, meaning it has feedback (cyclical) edges, unlike a feed-forward NN which doesn't have cycles.
It has a single, fully connected "auto-associative" layer (i.e. a complete graph), where every neuron is connected to every other neuron (but not itself).
Neurons have a binary threshold for I/O.
It is **energy-based**, with "energy" that decreases with each evolution (iteration). Seems to be like a learning rate.
They are represented as a complete graph $G = (V,E)$, where
* Each node $i \in V$ is a **perceptual node** with set states $x_i \in \{1,-1\}$ or $\{1,0\}$.
* Each edge $(i,j) \in E$ has a weight $w_{ij}$
* Symmetrical, bidirectional edges
* No self loops
### Learning
HNs learn via the **Hebbian Learning Rule**:
> Neurons that fire together wire together
> Neurons that fire out of sync fail to link
If the states of $i, j$ are the same, then $w_{ij}$ makes positive (1). Else, makes negative (-1).
***Single Pattern.*** Given a bipolar network, and a single memorised pattern $\x$, the **weight matrix** $W$ for $\x$ is defined as
W_{ij} = x_i x_j \pod{i \neq j} & & W_{ii} = 0
\iff W = \x \cdot \x\t - \vec{I}
We can do this because the network is bipolar. If the numbers are different, weights are -1, else, weights are 1.
***Multiple Patterns.*** Given N bipolar patterns $\x^{(1)} .. \x^{(n)}$, where each $\x^{(p)} = [x_1^{(p)} .. x_n^{(p)}]$;
We define the weight matrix
W_{ij} &= \fr{1}{N} \sum_{p=1}^N x_i^{(p)} x_j^{(p)} \pod{ i \neq j} & W_{ii} = 0 \\
W &= \fr{1}{N} \sum_{p=1}^N \left( \x^{(p)} (\x^{(p)})\t \right) - \vec{I}
i.e the element-wise averages of all the individual image weight matrices.
***Binary States.*** To maintain the +1/-1 weight numbers, we can work out weights for binary 1/0 states using
W_{ij} = (2x_i - 1)(2x_j - 1)
Thus given N binary patterns, we do the same thing except we replace the middle with the above equation.
***Activation Function***.
When training, we want all neurons to have stable states. Our training function is given as
\vec{s}({t+1}) = F(W \vec{s}(t))
Where $\vec{s}(t)$ is the state of the neurons at time $t$; where $F(\cdot)$ is the activation function, and for bipolar HNs is given as
F(x) = \rm{sgn}(x) = \begin{cases} 1 & x \geq 0 \\ -1 & x < 0 \end{cases}
i.e. the new state of every neuron is the sign of the weighted sum of its neighbouring states.
***Stability.*** To make sure that our memorised pattern $\x$ is an **attractor** (i.e. a fixed point) we need to make sure
\x = \rm{sgn} (W \x)
For a single pattern, $W = \x \x\t - \vec{I}$, we can verify that it's stable, by checking it in our update function:
\vec{s}_i(t+1) = \rm{sgn}\left(\sum_{j=1}^n W_{ij} s_j(t)\right) &= \rm{sgn}\left(\sum_{j=1}^n W_{ij} x_j\right) \\
&= \rm{sgn} \left(\sum_{j \neq i} (x_i x_j) x_j\right) \\
&= \rm{sgn} \left(\sum_{j \neq i} x_i \cdot 1\right) \\
&= \rm{sgn} \left(x_i \sum_{j \neq i}1\right) \\
&= \rm{sgn}\left(x_1(n-1)\right) \geq 0 \\
&= x_i\\
\therefore \x &= \rm{sgn}(W\x)
In essence, given a set of weights and an $\x$ sub it in and see if you get $x$ out.
Note that multiple patters **are not** unconditionally stable. In fact, (proof is very long)
TLDR We have a constant $\varepsilon_i$ which equals this thing: $\fr{n+1}{N} + \fr{x_i\bq}{N} \sum_{j \neq i} \sum_{p\neq q} x_i\bp \cdot x_j\bp \cdot x_j\bq$ which is important as:
The fixed point $\x\bq = \sgn(W\x\bq)$ exists only if $\varepsilon_i > 0$ for all neurons $i$.
***Energy.*** Energy is the capacity of the network to evolve. HN evolves until the energy reaches a local minimum.
The global energy $E$ is given as
E = - \sum_{j > i}\sum_{i=1}^n s_i W_{ij} s_j
I.e. the sum of all edges (counted **once**), multiplied to their neighbouring (bipolar) states, and made negative.
The matrix form is given
E = -\fr{1}{2} \vec{s}\t W \vec{s}
It is a given theorem that energy is a decreasing function.
Recurrent Neural Networks
### Introduction
A neural network that can deal with **sequential** data.
It has internal states (called memory).
It has many uses, including sentiment analysis, speech recognition, and machine translation.
One common example is *named entity recognition*: go through a piece of text and pick out the proper nouns, putting them in predefined categories like Person, Place, Date... etc.
This may require extra context from before (and after) the word in the sentence.
In more detail, an unravelled RNN in more detail as follows:
There is a memory cell which acts as a hidden state that is carried through time. Information from the past is used for the present.
The RNN has three weights: $w_i, w_o, w_h$ for input weight, output weight, and hidden weight respectively.
Both hidden and output cells all have an activation function.
The **Elman** network has feedback from internal nodes.
The process is given
a_0 &= \tanh(w_i x_0) \\
\hat{y}_0 &= \sigma(w_o a_0) \\
&\cdots \\
a_t &= \tanh(w_i x_t + w_h a_{t-1}) \\
\hat{y}_t &= \sigma(w_o a_t) \\
The **Jordan** network has feedback from the output post-activation.
The recurrent process is given
a_t &= \tanh (w_i x_t + w_h y_{t-1}) \\
\hat{y}_t &= \sigma (w_o a_t)
Optionally, we can also add input and output biases $b_i, b_o$.
***Example.*** Given an Elman RNN (right), with weights and biases
(w_i, w_h, w_o) &= (2, 4, 1) \\
(b_i, b_o) &= (-2, 2)
Predict the output given $\x = \{1, 2, 3\}$.
### Deep RNNs
A simple RNN only has *one, unidirectional* hidden layer, with no memory control.
Deep RNNs (DRNN) is deep with respect to both time and space.
Such as stacking hidden recurrent layers:
Or increasing time depth:
***Bidirectional RNN.*** combined from two unidirectional RNNs, a bidirectional RNN can use context from both the past and the future.
It is accurate, but has high complexity in training.
### LSTM
LSTM is long short term memory, and is aimed to solve the vanishing gradient problem.
Since a vanilla RNN expands a lot in time, it is supceptible to exponential decay (or blow up)
Since weights over time are multiplicative.
For exploding gradients we can do *gradient clipping* -- maxing out the gradient.
But for vanishing gradients, this is harder. This is what LSTM is for.
It introduces three **gates** for data passage:
* An **input gate** $i$; 1 allows data entry
* An **output gate** $o$; 1 allows data exit
* A **forget gate** (remember gate) $f$; 1 means **remember** values.
The gates depend on time $t$.
Technically, they are sigmoid probability values, but for simplicity we treat as binary.
* When $i=0$, the value from the memory cell at time previous to the current one gets carried over.
* When $o=0$, the item in the memory cell cannot affect the next input
* When $f=0$, the item in the previous memory cell is overwritten by the incoming output. This is like a vanilla RNN.
* When $f=1$, the item in the previous memory cell is combined with the current one, such as via addition.
Thus, a **vanilla RNN** calculates the hidden state $h_t$ by the following:
h_t = \tanh (W \begin{bmatrix}
h_{t-1} \\ x_t
\end{bmatrix} )
Where $W$ are the weights $\begin{bmatrix}
w_h & w_i
Whereas an LSTM calculates the hidden state $h_t$ using the memory cell state $c_t$ and the current activated value $a_t$, via
c_t &= f_t * c_{t-1} + i_t * a_t \\
a_t &= \tanh\left(W \begin{bmatrix}
h_{t-1} \\ x_t
\end{bmatrix}\right) \\
h_t &= o_t * \tanh c_t
f_t \\ i_t \\ o_t
\end{bmatrix} =
\sigma \left(
\w_f \\ \w_i \\ \w_o
\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}
h_{t-1} \\ x_t
Where $\w_f, \w_i, \w_o$ describe a pair of weights each, which are initialised randomly, and then learned (via a **sigmoid layer**) to refine the value of the three gates.
**Note:** $c_t \in (-\infty, \infty)$, but we want the $h_t$ value to be $\in (-1, 1)$. Thus, rather than just doing $h_t = o_t c_t$ directly we squeeze $c_t$ down using tanh. $a_t$ is naturally $\in (-1, 1)$ anyway.
**Note 2:** The star $*$ operator denotes "Hadarmard multiplication", multiplying element wise ... which I'm not sure why it's included since we've been referring to them as scalars.
***LSTM Internal Diagram.* (Important)**
### Other RNNs
Different types of RNNs can be used for different mappings, such as 1:1, 1:Many, Many:1, and Many:Many
1:Many takes one input, and chains down many outputs. The reverse is for Many:1. Many:Many has multiple inputs to multiple outputs.
The networks we've drawn which unravel are many to many, **but** they only are many to many in that $|X| = |Y|$.
When $|X| \neq |Y|$, then we many need an encoder-decoder structure for our RNN.
### Introduction
Graphs $G= (V,E)$ are non-linear data structures.
There are directed and undirected graphs.
* Undirected graphs have neighbours $N(v)$. Directed graphs have **in-neighbours** $I(v)$ and **out-neighbours** $O(v)$
* Directed graphs have **indegree** $d_{in}(v)$, and **outdegree** $d_{out}(v)$.
The **handshake theorem** is
|E| = \sum_{v \in V} d_{in}(v) = \sum_{v \in V} d{out}(v)
The average degree $d = \fr{|E|}{|V|}$ determines the sparsity of the graph.
* G is sparse if $|E| \approx O(|V|)$; $d \ll |V|$
* G is dense if $|E| \approx O(|V|^2)$; $d \approx |V|$
* G is disconnected if $|E| \ll |V|$
* G is a tree if $|E| = |V|-1$
* G is complete if $|E| = \fr{1}{2} |V| (|V|-1)$
Graphs can be displayed in several ways, such as an adjacency matrix (for dense graphs), an adjacency list (for sparse ones).
The **adjacency matrix** $\vec{A}$ takes a lot of space $O(|V|^2)$, but is very fast for connectivity lookup.
It has other good properties, such as $[\vec{A}^k]_{ij}$ describing the number of paths of length $k$ from $i$ to $j$.
Transposed and the paths are reversed.
The **Laplacian matrix** is a matrix $\vec{L}$ such that
\vec{L} = \begin{cases} d(i) & i = j \\
-1 & \exists \rm{edge } \{i,j\} \in E \\
0 & \rm{otherwise.} \end{cases}
So $\vec{L} = \vec{D} - \vec{A}$ where $\vec{D}$ is a diagonal matrix where every entry $i$ is the degree of vector $i$
The **Adjacency list** is a list of linked lists of outneighbours.
It is space efficient but not as lookup efficient, so better for sparse matrices.
The **Yale/CSK Format** (Compressed sparse row) is a compact way of representing a graph by three vectors: offset, column index, and ones (or weights). It can be converted from an adjacency matrix as follows:
* We go row by row, writing the indexes of connections in `column index`.
* `offset` indices separate `column index`s for each vertex.
* `ones` just indicate there is a connection. This is not so useful for unweighted graphs.
It is useful for efficiently representing dense graphs.
The **COO Coordinate List** representation is a simple way to represent a graph in a list of vectors: row, column, and ones.
* Simply, every edge $\langle i, j\rangle \in E$ is represented by the pair `(rows[i], columns[i])`.
### PageRank
PageRank is a google algorithm that ranks the importance of webpages based on other other pages pointing to it.
Let $PR(x)$ be the rank of node $x$, and the rank of the node is the aggregate (**sum**) of its in-neighbours.
Thus pagerank captures a cascading rank value.
Pagerank also penalises nodes who point to too many nodes: each node gets an equal share of its rank.
More generally the **simplified pagerank algorithm** goes as:,
PR(y) = \sum_{x \in I(y)} \fr{1}{|O(x)|} PR(x)
***Example.*** Take the graph shown, evaluate PageRank.
This can be done as a series of simultaneous equations:
PR(1) &= \fr{PR(2)}{3} + PR(3) + \fr{PR(5)}{2} \\
PR(2) &= 0 \pod{\rm{base case}} \\
PR(3) &= \fr{PR(2)}{3} + \fr{PR(5)}{2} \\
PR(4) &= PR(1) + \fr{PR(2)}{3} \\
PR(5) &= PR(4)
Solve this to get
PR[1,2,3,4,5] = [0.6, 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.6]
Problems with simplified pagerank include
* nodes with no in-neighbours are zero even if they are important
* in cyclic graphs the cycle accumulates rank and nothing else gets rank.
-> Introduce constant **damping factor** $c$:
A hypothetical web server will have a probability of $c$ to follow links (follow edges), and a probability of $1-c$ to "get bored" and go somewhere else (jump to random node).
This hyperparameter is usually set to 0.8~0.9.
Thus **classic pagerank algorithm** goes as
PR(y) = c \sum_{x \in I(y)} \fr{PR(x)}{|O(x)|} + (1-c) \fr{1}{|V|}
***Matrix Form.*** since simultaneous equations are impractical for large scales / always formed into matrices.
For the previous example, let a vector $\vec{p}$ be the pageranks;
\vec{p} = \begin{bmatrix}
PR(1) \\ PR(2) \\ \vdots \\ PR(5)
Let an $5 \times 5$ transition matrix $\W$ be the weights of the pageranks;
\W &= \begin{bmatrix}
0 & \fr{1}{3} & 1 & \cdots \\
0 & 0 & & \\
\vdots & & \ddots
& \W_{ij} = \begin{cases}
\fr{1}{|O(j)|} & \rm{if } \exists \rm{edge} \langle j, i \rangle \\
0 & \rm{otherwise.}
Let $\vec{1}$ be a vertical vector of ones $|V|$ items long.
\vec{p} &= c\W \vec{p} + \fr{1 - c}{|V|} \vec{1}\; ; &
\vec{p} &= 0.8\W \vec{p} + \fr{1-0.8}{5} \vec{1} \pod{c=0.8}
And our goal is to find $\vec{p}$.
To get $\W$, all we need to do is take the adjacency matrix $\vec{A}$, take $\vec{A}\t$, and then normalise every column *individually*.
* **Fixed-point iteration**; initialise $\vec{p}_i = \fr{1}{|V|} \; \forall i$ (to equal numbers) $\def\p{{\vec{p}}}$
We can work out that for $k$ iterations the error $\lVert \p_k-\p \rVert_1 \leq 2c^k$ ($\p$ is the ideal pagerank).
Thus for a desired accuracy level $\varepsilon > 0$ we can work out that the number of iterations required is $k \geq \log_c (\fr{\varepsilon}{2})$.
The complexity of iteration will be \(O(k(|E| + |V|))\). Since real graphs tend to be sparse though this is roughly equal to $O(k|V|)$.
The proof of these are omitted.
Fixed point iteration is a fast, efficient way of working out pagerank. If we want exact $\p$ though, there's another way.
* **Matrix Inversion**, by just solving for $\p$
\p &= c\W\p + \fr{1-c}{|V|} \vec{1} \\
\p - c\W\p &= \fr{1-c}{|V|} \vec{1} \\
(\vec{I} - c\W)\p &= \fr{1-c}{|V|} \vec{1} \\
\p &= \fr{1-c}{|V|} (\vec{I} - c\W)^{-1} \vec{1}
*But* matrix inversion is very costly, requiring $O(|V|^3)$ time, and so we usually don't.
* **Dominant Eigenvector**, another method of solving for $\p$, giving us the **Google matrix** $\vec{G}$
Given that $\lVert \p \rVert_1 = 1 \implies \vec{1}\t \p = 1$;
\p &= c\W\p + \fr{1-c}{|V|} \vec{1} \cdot 1 \\
\p &= c\W\p + \fr{1-c}{|V|} \vec{1} \vec{1}\t \p \\
\p &= \left(c\W + \fr{1-c}{|V|} \vec{1} \vec{1}\t\right) \p \\
\p &= \vec{G}\p
Where $\vec{G}$ the google matrix is the thing in the brackets.
The pagerank vector is the dominant eigenvector (`eigs(G, 1)`) of the google matrix.
### Graph-based Similarity Search
Talks about the similarity of two objects based on their graph topology.
Can be content based or link based.
***Jaccard Similarity.***
The **Jaccard string similarity** is given for two strings $s_1, s_2$:
\rm{sim}_J(s_1, s_2) = \fr{|s_1 \cap s_2|}{|s_1 \cup s_2|}
The **Jaccard node-pair similarity** is an extension of text similarity, given for two nodes $a, b$
\rm{sim}_J (a,b) = \fr{ | I(a) \cap I(b) |}{|I(a) \cup I(b)|}
The jaccard similarities are reflexive ($\rm{sim}(a,a) = 1$), symmetrical, and bounded $[0,1]$.
* Similarity doesn't take into account how many inneighbours two nodes have. If two nodes are connected to by the same node, compared to two nodes that are connected to by the same *three* nodes, which pair are more similar? Jaccard says neither.
* Doesn't take into account grandparents and other ancestors, if two nodes share no parents they are automatically 0.
***SimRank.*** An improvement to jaccard.
* Two nodes are similar if pointed to by similar nodes.
* Ever node is most similar to itself.
s(a,b) = \begin{cases}
0 & I(a) = \varnothing \lor I(b) = \varnothing \\
\fr{c}{|I(a)||I(b)|} \sum\limits_{x \in I(a)}^{} \sum\limits_{y \in I(b)} s(x,y) & a \neq b \\
1 & a = b
Where $c$ is a damping factor which is typically 0.6 ~ 0.8.
**SimRank** is a *pairwise* similarity measure for node pairs.
* It is **query-dependent**: $s(*, a)$ depends on a specific query object $a$ to measure similarity.
**PageRank** is a *single* similarity measure.
* It is **query-independent**: $PR(*)$ is just done on its own.
SimRank is also reflexive, symmetrical, and bounded.
#### Searching
***Distance.*** Define the distance between two nodes $d(x,y) = 1 - s(x,y)$.
A metric is a "distance metric" if and only if
* $d(x,x) = 0$
* $d(x,y) = d(y,x)$
* $d(x,y) + d(y,z) \geq d(x,z)$ (triangle inequality)
Both jaccard and simrank are transitive ($x \sim y$ and $y \sim z$ means $x \sim z$), and conform to all the distance metric requirements.
There are two types of searches that can be used by SimRank.
**Single pair simrank search**, that given a graph $G = (V,E)$, given one pair of nodes $(a,b)$, retrieve a single similarity $s(a,b)$.
**All-pairs simrank search**, that given a graph retrieves $|V|^2$ pairs of similarities $s(*,*)$ between all nodes.
All-pairs will make many duplicate calculations, and so it is good to optimise them by memorising intermediate calculations, partial similarities.
SimRank can also be represented in matrix form:
\vec{S} = \max(c \vec{Q}\t \vec{S} \vec{Q}, \vec{I})
\vec{Q}_{ij} = \begin{cases} \fr{1}{|I(j)} & \rm{if } \exists (i,j) \in E \\
0 & \rm{otherwise} \end{cases} \;\;\; = \rm{col_norm}(\vec{A})
$\vec{S}$ is the SimRank, and $\max$ is the **element-wise** maximum.
The algorithm is done doing fixed point iteration, as: